system for medical reports and images
With VeDocs ELO, you can release exam reports and images to your patients
and requesting professionals through the website or intranet of your clinic,
laboratory or hospital.
It allows you to keep a patient’s record because it centralizes documents and images regardless of the source system. It also allows you to diagram
and structure reports, ensuring that every single one is published in accordance with the visual identity of your company.
The portal also provides management reports, such as the number of views per month and percentage of procedures viewed by month.
Image viewing
and to know by whom and when each version of the report was viewed.
Integration and centralization
Integrate with your PACS, RIS HIS
or LIS via HL7 protocol
Centralize all reports from your
diagnostic systems in one place
Report printing
Print reports on demand or in batches.
Generate alerts for unfinished
services and lock exams with pending
financial issues
Print reports and images with
just one click (integration with
PACS necessary)
Easy access
Web-based – provides cost reduction and flexibility
Accessible from mobile devices: iPad, iPhone, Android
Multi-location support
Compatible with all major databases.
Screens and images
Easily find any patient and view their reports
and images via a simple and flexible interface.
See reports and pictures from anywhere with your mobile device
and gain agility and mobility.
In order to offer an exam portal for their patients and requesting physicians,
Hospital Samaritano chose VeDocs ELO, which allows them to keep a medical record
for each patient on their website.
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